Through the new charity initiative, the Road of Care, you join the Caritas Association as part of the mission to provide a peaceful old age by signing up for the Work and Travel Program with Integral.
For each contract signed with a client in the period 23/10/2019 - 05/15/2020, we will unconditionally donate BGN 20 to help care for them.
We believe that actions bring change, and that at every stage of one's life path one must live in dignity, and that is why we launch the Path of Care initiative. With it, we join the annual Caritas Elderly Campaign, through which the elderly person receives the care, attention and understanding, and with that, the peace, comfort and security most needed in their daily lives.
For elderly people suffering from health problems and in need of professional care and monitoring, Caritas implements the Home Care service, thanks to which more than 300 elderly people from 14 settlements in Bulgaria receive care, attention and understanding in their homes , and with that, the certainty that they can live their antiquities with dignity. The Home Care service is provided by mobile teams of nurses and social assistants who visit the elderly home and provide the care they need, according to their health and social needs. This happens through 9 Home Care Centers - in the cities of Ruse, Sofia, Belene, Plovdiv, Rakovski, Malko Tarnovo and the villages of Zhitnitsa (Plovdiv District), Berdarski Gerani (Vratsa District) and Gostilya (Pleven District), as mobile teams of Caritas provide complex medical and social care in 5 more settlements located near the mentioned cities and villages: near Malko Tarnovo - the villages Stoilovo, Zvezdets, Gramatikovo; to Zhitnitsa - the villages of Duvanliya and Kaloyanovo.
As you read this text, you may already be thinking of a Work and Travel Program, right? You look forward to new horizons, experiences and dating - a colorful episode from which you will long to share impressions.
Your desire to experience this adventure does not in any way mean that you forget your roots - we know it, because for almost 20 years we have been working with students like you, caring for and caring for the home, family and environment that awaits them back here. They themselves told us that they were looking for opportunities to contribute to socially significant causes and thus formed the basis of the Charity Road and our partnership with Caritas.
The activity is year-round and you can join it no matter in which part of Bulgaria you are. The terms and processes for choosing a destination, a job offer, and enrollment are all standard - your involvement in the cause is not bound by different financial or time parameters in any way.
Find out more at your nearest Integral office.