Current employers / Waterman's Surfside Grille

About company

Owned & operated by the Standing Family, Waterman's has a long history that dates back to the 1960's. The building was first called the
"Shake n' Burger & Beach Nut Gift Shop," a walk-up burger joint & souvenir shop. In 1981, Mike Sr. & Helen Standing rebuilt the restaurant
as "Fogg's Seafood Company" & gave it it's start as an Oceanfront staple. In 1996 when their son, Mike Jr., graduated from college, he
entered the picture - creating the addition of "The Attic" nightclub & converting the restaurant to "Waterman's Beachwood Grill." Then in
early 2007, the building was expanded & a new concept emerged - "Waterman's Surfside Grille" - an upscale yet casual Oceanfront
restaurant, with the Attic transformed into a special events venue, and the Beach Nut Gift Shop a spot to find unique gifts
& jewelry, located right inside the doors of Waterman's restaurant.
The oceanfront provides many seasonal activities such as kayaking, dolphin watching, parasailing, jet skiing, fire works shows, Virginia
Aquarium, Amusement park and more.
As a staff member, you will also receive 30% off food on days you work which enables you to try a lot of great American cuisine!Owned & operated by the Standing Family, Waterman's has a long history that dates back to the 1960's. The building was first called the
"Shake n' Burger & Beach Nut Gift Shop," a walk-up burger joint & souvenir shop. In 1981, Mike Sr. & Helen Standing rebuilt the restaurant
as "Fogg's Seafood Company" & gave it it's start as an Oceanfront staple. In 1996 when their son, Mike Jr., graduated from college, he
entered the picture - creating the addition of "The Attic" nightclub & converting the restaurant to "Waterman's Beachwood Grill." Then in
early 2007, the building was expanded & a new concept emerged - "Waterman's Surfside Grille" - an upscale yet casual Oceanfront
restaurant, with the Attic transformed into a special events venue, and the Beach Nut Gift Shop a spot to find unique gifts
& jewelry, located right inside the doors of Waterman's restaurant.
The oceanfront provides many seasonal activities such as kayaking, dolphin watching, parasailing, jet skiing, fire works shows, Virginia
Aquarium, Amusement park and more.


Waterman's is a prime tourist location so there are many opportunities to interact with people from all around the world. Virginia Beach has many historical offerings and activities that are sure to keep you busy this summer:

  • Housing provided
  • As a staff member, you will also receive 30% off food on days you work which enables you to try a lot of great American cuisine!

Local Cultural Offering:

- American Music Festival, Patriotic Festival, July 4th Stars and Stripes Fireworks COVDI TBD
- Museums (Colonial Settlement, Aquarium, Contemporary Art)
- Sandler Center for Contemporary Arts
- ViBe Creative District (Lot's of handcrafted treasure and small family owned businesses)
- Colonial Williamsburg


415 Atlantic Avenue Virginia Beach , Virginia , 23451

Travellers tell

Милена Цветкова


Галина Ламбова


Меги и Свелин


Марина Миленкова


Студентската бригада е еднo невероятно преживяване!

“ Изключително съм благодарна на екипа на Интеграл, които ме насочиха към точното място за мен и имах едно неповторимо лято изпълнено с много положителни емоции, незабравими моменти и пътувания. ”

Аляска е едно от най-вълшебните и уникални места в Америка

“ Това място не може да бъде описано с думи, както и Северното сияние. То просто трябва да се посети, види и почувства! ”

Със сигурност бихме повторили това приключение отново!

“ Благодарение на Интеграл успяхме да сбъднем една наша
мечта и да посетим Америка. Прекарахме едно страхотно лято, изпълнено с много емоции и незабравими моменти. Запознахме се с невероятни хора, посетихме и уникалния Ню Йорк, а гледката от Empire State Building просто не е за изпускане. ”

Лятото ми в САЩ – сбъдната мечта!

“ Радвам, че имах възможността да посетя тази велика страна, да се сблъскам с толкова много различни хора и култури и най-вече да попътувам. Не се изисква много смелост бих казала, само паспорта и една голяма доза приключенски дух! ”
1 /
Студентската бригада е еднo невероятно преживяване!
Милена Цветкова
Аляска е едно от най-вълшебните и уникални места в Америка
Галина Ламбова
Със сигурност бихме повторили това приключение отново!
Меги и Свелин
Лятото ми в САЩ – сбъдната мечта!
Марина Миленкова

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